Hosted by The Fury's Hallow

You are cordially invited to join us at House Triedame on the eve of

Friday, March 14th β—ˆ 8 PM - 12 AM EST

for a creative celebration of art, photography, and more.

    Primal β—ˆ Ultros β—ˆ Empyreum

    Ward 6 β—ˆ Plot 32

    TAGS: #HighHouseArtParty β—ˆ #FurysArtParty β—ˆ #PrimalArtParty

    We cordially invite you to join us at The Fury's Hallow as fellow artisans and creative minds alike gather within House Triedame to draw, GPose, write, and enjoy each other's company!Immersive attire for both the chilled weather of Empyreum as well as the setting of an Ishgardian noble house (albeit a rather unconventional one) is encouraged, though not required. All rooms in the manor will be open for exploration, roleplay, and photography.Guests who wish to participate in the main event are invited to gather in the recently-renovated Artisan Studio (Room VII).

    For updates, follow us on Bluesky, or consider joining our venue Discord, where you can also share what you create during the event!

    Suggested activities for the evening include:

    • Drawing

    • GPosing

    • Writing

    • In-Character Roleplaying*

    • OOC Conversation

    * Please note: many attendees will be otherwise occupied with their creative pursuits and may be unable to engage in or reciprocate in-character roleplay during this event. Roleplaying is neither expected nor mandatory this evening!

    ❝ House Triedame? That rundown manor the old knight left in shambles for so many years? Yes, I’ve seen it as well. It seems to have been perfectly restored and opened as a tavern, of all things! And the patrons it draws, why, they’re often armed for combat! Whatever are they doing within those walls? ❞

    We ask that all patrons abide by behavior that is considerate of your fellow guests. This event is open to all audiences; the following rules have been established to ensure that all who participate have an enjoyable and comfortable experience. Thank you for your understanding and compliance!

    • Please keep all public conversation SFW and/or appropriate for a PG-13 audience. As per our venue's rules, refrain from discussion pertaining to content of sexual and/or explicit natures.

    • Under no circumstances will harassment of other participants be tolerated. If you have the need to say something rude about another attendee: don't.

    • By attending, you consent for your character to be drawn and/or photographed by other patrons.

    • To ensure congestion is kept to a minimum, particularly in the Artisan Studio, all minions should be dismissed prior to entering the venue. (That means you, Chickpea.)

    While all areas of the venue are open for guest access, Room V, The Sunroom has been designated as a Quiet Zone.

    While in this room, please refrain from OOC conversation, using emotes that involve loud and/or repetitive noises, bard performances, and any other disruptive behavior. It is intended as a space for those who wish to work with fewer distractions, as well as a slower chat scroll.